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Age Discrimination - What is it and how to avoid it.


Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Recently I was having a discussion with a friend. They were telling about a comment their boss made at work that day. The commend was about elderly people living alone and the need to be careful. The implication being that their boss considered them as elderly. As my friend was telling me the story trying to laugh it off, it was very clear that they were upset. They certainly didn’t consider themselves elderly at only 59 years old.

I suggested that they speak with their boss the next day and let them know how the comment made them feel. My friend commented that its not that big of deal. I proposed that it is, and mentioning this could prevent future incidents to my friend and or their colleagues.

Age discrimination is a persistent problem in today's workplace, affecting both young and old employees. It can manifest in various ways, from unfair hiring practices to harassment and wrongful termination. As a professional, it's essential to recognize the different types of age discrimination and learn how to avoid them.

The following are a few types of discrimination:

Recruitment discrimination – is when employers use age as a criterion for selecting job candidates. For example, an employer may prefer to hire younger employees because they are perceived to be more tech-savvy or have more energy. To avoid this type of discrimination, recruiters should focus on the skills, experience, and qualifications of candidates rather than their age.

Promotion discrimination - occurs when employers overlook older workers for promotions or give preferential treatment to younger employees. To prevent promotion discrimination, companies need to implement clear criteria and objective performance metrics when considering promotions.

Harassment - based on age can take many forms, from ageist jokes and comments to exclusion from team activities. Age-related harassment can create a hostile work environment and negatively affect employee morale and productivity.

Learning about and recognizing age discrimination, is a must for all organizations. Doing so will create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace for all employees.

Picture of an elderly person surrounded by negative signs.  Heading of What is Age Discrimination and What Can You Do About it?
Age Discrimination

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